Fine-Grained Password Policy
Fine-Grained Password Policies are an enhancement added with the release of Windows Server 2008 that allows technicians to create more granular and secure password policies across their organization.
Utilizing Password Setting Objects (PSOs) created through a Fine-Grained Password Policy (FGPP), you gain two large benefits over the default GPO-based password policies.
- Can be applied against both computer and user objects, rather than just computer objects.
- Passwords can be up to 256 characters long rather than a restrictive 14 character limit.
You can create a FGPP either through PowerShell or the Active Directory Administrative Center (ADAC).
- Open the Active Directory Administrative Center.
- Within the left hand column, select ad (local) if your FQDN is for example.
- Select the System folder, than select the Password Settings Container folder.
- Right-click within the white area and select New » Password Settings.
- Fill in your preferred password requirements and to which user groups the policy will apply.
For this example, we’ll create a policy with the following settings:
Field | Value |
Name | Default Password Policy |
Complexity | Disabled |
Minimum Password Length | 20 (characters) |
Minimum Password Age | 1 (days) |
Password History Count | 10 |
Reversible Encryption | Disabled |
On a domain controller open PowerShell (as admin) and complete the following steps.
FGPP Creation
Create the Fine Grained Password Policy outlined above.
New-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy `
-Name "DefaultPasswordPolicy" `
-Precedence 500 `
-Description "Default password policy for all domain users." `
-DisplayName "Default Password Policy" `
-ComplexityEnabled $false `
-MinPasswordLength 20 `
-PasswordHistoryCount 10 `
-ReversibleEncryptionEnabled $false `
-MinPasswordAge 1
Group Assignment
Next, assign the new policy to a security group which will have this policy enforced.
Add-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicySubject `
-Identity "DefaultPasswordPolicy" `
-Subjects "UserSecurityGroupName"
Policy Verification
To view the resulting password policy use Get-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy
Get-ADFineGrainedPasswordPolicy -Identity "DefaultPasswordPolicy"