General Settings
This article outlines some of the most commonly run commands when first setting up a switch. It’s recommended you configure all settings within the first part of the article, however any item under CLI Comforts is completely optional.
Set a hostname for the switch so you know what switch you’re on when running commands.
Switch (config)# hostname IN-S01-CS01
Domain Name
Configure a domain name on the switch. This is a requirement by other services such as when configuring SSH access.
Switch (config)# ip domain-name
Disable GUI Interface
Unless you want to access and/or use the builtin GUI interface, it’s best to immediately disable access.
Switch (config)# no ip http server
Switch (config)# no ip http secure-server
CLI Comforts
Here are a few settings that make using the cli more pleasant.
Disable Domain Lookups
Disables domain lookups. This will prevent the switch from performing DNS lookups when you accidentally mistype a command. A common and annoying problem that typically results in you waiting 5-10 seconds for the resulting DNS query to inevitably fail.
Switch (config)# no ip domain-lookup
Synchronous Logging
By default, all system messages are written directly to the prompt, befuddling any commands you were in the process of typing out. Enabling logging synchronous forces the message onto a new line.
To enable logging synchronous for the console connection:
Switch (config)# line con 0
Switch (config)# logging synchronous
To enable logging synchronous for the vty connection(s):
Switch (config)# line vty 0 15
Switch (config)# logging synchronous