Configure SSH
Ansible is agentless in that it doesn’t rely on an agent being installed in order to effect change on the hosts it controls, rather it uses the OSes builtin remote management services such as SSH and WinRM.
In this article, we’ll walk through the process of generating and setting up SSH keys for authenticating to the Ansible Controller. We’ll also configure a built-in SSH service called the SSH Agent, which lets us login to remote hosts from the Ansible Controller while still using the SSH keys stored on our workstation.
Key Generation
On your workstation (not the Ansible controller), open a terminal and create your SSH keypair.
ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 512
You’ll be asked to create a password that will protect the use of your SSH key pair. It’s entirely your choice if you’d like to enter a password when logging onto a device using your SSH key pair. If you’d prefer not to have a password, simply press enter when requested.
You’ll now have two new files located in your ssh directory ~/.ssh/
(or backslashes if you’re on Windows).
~/.ssh/id_ecdsa # Private Key
~/.ssh/ # Public Key
is your private key and must be protected at all times. Store a copy of this key within your password manager incase your workstation fails.
is your public key. We’ll be installing this key on the Ansible controller and any hosts we’re managing via Ansible. It’s through this public key our authentication request to connect to the host will be validated and verified.
Configure SSH Agent
Depending on whether your working off of Windows or Linux/Mac, enable the SSH Agent.
On Debian, ensure you have the openssh-client
package installed.
sudo apt-get install openssh-client
Add your SSH private key to the SSH Agent.
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa
Ensure the OpenSSH client is installed on your workstation.
Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Client~~~~
Once installed, start the service.
Start-Service -Name ssh-agent
Configure the service to start automatically on boot.
Set-Service -Name ssh-agent -StartupType Automatic
Lastly, add your SSH private key to the SSH Agent.
ssh-add.exe ~\.ssh\id_ecdsa
Key Installation
Install the public key onto the Ansible Controller. Depending on whether your workstation is Windows or Linux-based the process varies slightly.
For Debian-based systems, the openssh-client
package comes with a handy shell script to make installing the public key simple.
ssh-copy-id username@host
For Windows no handly utility is provided so we’ll have to use a bit of PowerShell.
type $env:USERPROFILE\.ssh\ | ssh username@host "cat >> .ssh\authorized_keys"
With our SSH key’s generated and public key installed, we can now logon to the Ansible Controller. If all goes well, you’ll be automatically logged in without any password prompts (unless you created one during the SSH key generation process).
ssh username@host
To check that the SSH Agent is functioning, run the following command.
You should see output similar to below. If blank, you unfortunately have a configuration error.
SSH Forwarding
As we want to use our private key to logon to the various hosts managed by Ansible, we need to tell SSH to forward our private key to the remote hosts when authenticating. This can be easily done by updating the sshd_config
On the Ansible Controller, open /etc/ssh/sshd_config
using vim or an equivilent text editor.
sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Update AllowAgentForwarding
from no
to yes
Save the file and restart the SSH service.
sudo systemctl restart ssh
Success! We’re now able to log onto the Ansible Controller via our SSH keys stored on your workstation. We’re also all setup to have Ansible logon to our remote hosts using our SSH keys.
Next, we’ll configure our remote hosts.