Debian, by default does not install a firewall wrapper such as firewalld or ufw. Rather only the kernel-based packet classification framework nftables is available to control the instance’s network communications.
While no wrapper is provided, Debian does recommend that a wrapper be installed and used. Two possible options that are commonly chosen are firewalld and ufw. firewalld may be more comfortable if your working in a primarily redhat-based environment.
Below is an example of setting UFW, the more popular option for Debian-based systems.
Install the ufw service.
sudo apt install ufw
- name: Install UFW firewall.
name: ufw
state: latest
Default Configuration
ufw does not come pre-configured with a default firewall policy. Rather a basic policy must be configured and enabled. Run the following commands to build a basic firewall policy.
This policy will:
- Block all inbound connections.
- Allow all outbound connections.
- Accept SSH connections.
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw allow ssh
- name: Allow Outbound Communications.
state: enabled
direction: outgoing
policy: allow
- name: Deny Inbound Communications.
state: enabled
direction: incoming
policy: deny
- name: Allow SSH Communications.
rule: allow
name: OpenSSH
To enforce the new firewall policy, and enable UFW for the first time, run ufw enable
ufw disable
will disable the firewall.
sudo ufw enable
You’ll be asked to confirm that you’d like the firewall enabled. Input Y
when ready.
Command may disrupt existing ssh connections. Proceed with operation (y|n)? y
Firewall is active and enabled on system startup
- name: Enable Firewall.
state: enabled
To view the currently enforced firewall policy.
ufw status
# Output
To Action From
-- ------ ----
22/tcp ALLOW Anywhere
22/tcp (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)
I recommend looking at Ubuntu’s page for more information on how to add and remove rules in UFW.